Das Analysis System
Apply the JER smearing and produce a new n-tuple. It uses Resolution.h
, implementing a class to read one JER tables.
There is a suggested naming convention for the JER input files (e.g., .txt table files)
that are meant to be archived on the JERCProtoLab repository.
General template: AnalysisName_year.txt
Some examples: dijet_balance_UL18.txt
, MCtruth_UL18.txt
, RC_noise_UL18.txt
The files are meant to be pushed in the JERCProtoLab repository in the appropriate directories,
according to the version of the correction they meant to be used (e.g., Summer20UL18)
and in the respective appropriate subdirectory according to the purpose of the analysis that was
contacted (e.g., JER_SF
, JER_inputs
Link to the JERCProtoLab repository: JERCProtoLab