DAS  3.0
Das Analysis System

Unless one focuses on one single-count observable, an event will provide more than one entry. Hence two groups of structures have been defined in interface (for the headers) and src (for the source).

  • Event objects, containing all information common to all entries, such as the pile-up or the MET.
  • Physics objects (jets, photons, etc.), containing all information relative to one single entry.

All structures contain a clear() method for easier use in the n-tupliser. One particular feature related to the current framework is the presence of vectors of weights and of scales, which allow the storage of the corrections and all their variations.

Physics objects

The FourVector is a typedef of an existing type. The PhysicsObject type contains all generic information for particles and jets, such as the four-momentum and the scale and weight vectors. Only high-level objects such as jets, photons, or muons are currently considered. The minimum amount of information is kept to prevent from too heavy events.

Event objects

Several structures are defined to contain the information of the event:

  • *Event for general information such as run number or hard scale.
  • Trigger contains the bits corresponding to the fired triggers and the prescales.
  • MET contains the type-I MET.
  • PileUp contains information relative to the measurement and the simulation of the pileup.
  • PrimaryVertex contains information only necessary for the event selection.