Das Analysis System
Source: TWiki
is returned by the CRAB jobpileup_latest
is the input JSON file (2016, 2017, 2018)TH1D("pileup","pileup",0,100 /*numPileupBins*/, 100 /*maxPileupBin*/)
is the name of the output file, in which the profile will be stored.Warning: this approach assumes that you are using 100% of the jets that have passed the trigger, which is not what happens in jet analyses.
Get the pile-up profile in MC with the in-time pile-up (PileUp::intpu
), and reweight the MC events so as to match the pile-up profile in data.
Vary the minimum-bias cross section with 4.6% (value from TWiki for Run 2).
Extract the PU profile from MC and data.
Apply correction on n-tuple, exactaly as shown by previous command (same header file is used).