DAS  3.0
Das Analysis System
Trigger lumi

The Triggerlumi.info are used to normalise the data samples to the luminosity. More technically, can be used by getTriggerCurves, getTriggerTurnons and applyDataNormalisation.

These trigger thresholds was produced by brilcalc.


Command use:

brilcalc lumi --normtag /cvmfs/cms-bril.cern.ch/cms-lumi-pog/Normtags/normtag_PHYSICS.json -u /pb -i processedLumis.json --hltpath HLT_AK4PFJet30_v*

Here the processedLumis.json is the sum of all FSQJet samples' processedLumis.json files. The processedLumis.json was obtained by running crab report on the crab output directory for each era.
