Das Analysis System
Go to the documentation of this file.
10 #include "DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Jet.h"
13 #include "DataFormats/JetMatching/interface/JetFlavourInfo.h"
14 #include "DataFormats/JetMatching/interface/JetFlavourInfoMatching.h"
17 #include "DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Muon.h"
20 #include "DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Photon.h"
36 bool LooseID (
const pat::Jet &jet);
37 bool TightID (
const pat::Jet &jet);
Definition: applyBTagSF.cc:31
DAS::GenJet GetGenJet(const reco::JetFlavourInfoMatching &ijet)
Helper to get DAS::GenJet from MiniAOD with flavour.
Definition: helper.cc:30
DAS::GenMuon GetGenMu(const reco::Candidate &mu)
Helper to get DAS::GenMuon from MiniAOD.
Definition: helper.cc:243
DAS::Parameters & p
Definition: helper.h:28
DAS::RecJet GetRecJet(const pat::Jet &ijet)
Definition: helper.cc:52
Helper(DAS::Parameters ¶meters)
Definition: helper.cc:14
bool TightLepVetoID(const pat::Jet &jet)
Definition: helper.cc:185
class RecMuon
Definition: Lepton.h:25
class GenPhoton
Definition: Photon.h:13
DAS::RecPhoton GetRecPhoton(const pat::Photon &photon)
Helper to get DAS::RecLep from MiniAOD.
Definition: helper.cc:292
bool TightID(const pat::Jet &jet)
Definition: helper.cc:126
bool LooseID(const pat::Jet &jet)
Definition: helper.cc:96
class GenMuon
Definition: Lepton.h:9
class GenJet
Definition: Jet.h:9
Definition: Parameters.h:53
DAS::GenPhoton GetGenPhoton(const reco::GenParticle &photon, bool zAncestor)
Helper to get DAS::GenPhoton from MiniAOD.
Definition: helper.cc:278
DAS::RecMuon GetRecMu(const pat::Muon &mu)
Helper to get DAS::RecMuon from MiniAOD.
Definition: helper.cc:257
class RecPhoton
Definition: Photon.h:27