#include <Photon.h>
enum | EnergyVariation {
Nominal = 0,
} |
enum | Identification {
CutBasedLoose = 0b0000001,
CutBasedMedium = 0b0000010,
CutBasedTight = 0b0000100,
MVAWorkingPoint80 = 0b0001000,
MVAWorkingPoint90 = 0b0010000,
ConversionSafeElectronVeto = 0b0100000,
PixelSeedVeto = 0b1000000
} |
static const char * | ScaleVar = "RecPhotonScales" |
static const char * | WeightVar = "RecPhotonWgts" |
static const std::vector< TString > | uncs {"Scale", "SigmaPhi", "SigmaRho"} |
◆ EnergyVariation
Energy scale and smearing variations provided by EGamma. See TWiki (rev 19) and TWiki (rev 73).
Enumerator |
Nominal | ecalEnergy of photon after scale & smearing corrections
ScaleUp | energy with the ecal energy scale shifted 1 sigma(stat) up
ScaleDown | energy with the ecal energy scale shifted 1 sigma(stat) down
SigmaPhiUp | energy with the ecal energy smearing value shifted 1 sigma(phi) up
SigmaPhiDown | energy with the ecal energy smearing value shifted 1 sigma(phi) down
SigmaRhoUp | energy with the ecal energy smearing value shifted 1 sigma(rho) up
SigmaRhoDown | energy with the ecal energy smearing value shifted 1 sigma(rho) down
VariationsCount | Number of available variations.
◆ Identification
Identification flags provided by EGamma. See TWiki (rev 20) Values can be combined as a bit field, e.g. CutBasedLoose | CutBasedMedium
Enumerator |
CutBasedLoose | Loose cut-based ID.
CutBasedMedium | Medium cut-based ID.
CutBasedTight | Tight cut-based ID.
MVAWorkingPoint80 | 80% efficiency working point of the MVA ID
MVAWorkingPoint90 | 90% efficiency working point of the MVA ID
ConversionSafeElectronVeto | Electron veto.
PixelSeedVeto | Pixel seed veto.
◆ RecPhoton()
◆ ~RecPhoton()
◆ AbsRap()
◆ CorrP4()
Obtain the calibrated (data) or smeared (MC) 4-momentum for the given variation of the corrections.
◆ Rapidity()
83 {
return p4.Rapidity() ; };
◆ chargedIsolation
Recomputed isolation from charged particles.
◆ ecalEnergyErrPostCorr
float ecalEnergyErrPostCorr = -1 |
resolution estimate on the ecalEnergy after scale & smearing corrections
◆ hOverE
Ratio of HCAL to ECAL energy.
◆ neutralHadronIsolation
float neutralHadronIsolation |
Recomputed isolation from neutral hadrons.
◆ p4
◆ photonIsolation
Recomputed isolation from other photons.
◆ scales
◆ ScaleVar
const char* ScaleVar = "RecPhotonScales" |
inlinestatic |
◆ scEta
Super cluster eta, used to veto the barrel/endcap transition region.
◆ selectors
std::uint32_t selectors = 0 |
Identification cuts satisfied by the photon.
◆ sigmaIEtaIEta
Width of the ECAL deposit along the eta axis.
◆ uncs
const std::vector<TString> uncs {"Scale", "SigmaPhi", "SigmaRho"} |
inlinestatic |
◆ weights
◆ WeightVar
const char * WeightVar = "RecPhotonWgts" |
static |
◆ worstChargedIsolation
float worstChargedIsolation |
Recomputed charged isolation with the vertex chosen to maximize this value used for the ID.
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
- /builds/cms-analysis/general/DasAnalysisSystem/Core/Installer/Core/Objects/interface/Photon.h