DAS  3.0
Das Analysis System
Darwin::Tools Namespace Reference


class  Looper
class  MetaInfo
class  Options
class  UserInfo


typedef std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > Slice


enum  {
  none = 0b000000, config = 0b000001, split = 0b000010, fill = 0b000100,
  Friend = 0b001100, syst = 0b010000, verbose = 0b100000
enum  {
  none = 0b000000, config = 0b000001, split = 0b000010, fill = 0b000100,
  Friend = 0b001100, syst = 0b010000, verbose = 0b100000


optional< bool > getBool (string s)
template<typename ... Args>
void FromPT2MetaInfo (const pt::ptree &elements, const MetaInfo &metainfo, ostream &cout, Args... args)
void forceMetaInfo (const fs::path &input, const fs::path &output, const int steering)
int getMetaInfo (vector< fs::path > inputs, const fs::path &output)
int initMetaInfo (const pt::ptree &config)
template<int thousand = 1024>
const char * GetHumanReadableSize (long double size)
Long64_t GetSize (TBranch *br)
Long64_t loopBranches (TObjArray *branches, size_t factor, int nIndent=0)
void printBranches (vector< fs::path > inputs)
void printDarwinSoftwareVersion ()
void printEntries (vector< fs::path > inputs)
void PrintCloseFriend (TList *friends, const int steering, string offset="")
void printFriends (vector< fs::path > inputs, const int steering)
void printHist (vector< fs::path > inputs, const pt::ptree &config)
int printMetaInfo (vector< fs::path > inputs, const pt::ptree &config)
std::unique_ptr< TFile > GetOutput (std::filesystem::path output, const char *name)
void StandardInit ()
std::vector< std::filesystem::path > GetROOTfiles (std::vector< std::filesystem::path > inputs)
std::unique_ptr< TChain > GetChain (std::vector< std::filesystem::path > inputs, const char *name="events")
template<typename THX = TH1>
std::unique_ptr< THX > GetHist (std::vector< std::filesystem::path > inputs, const char *name="h")
std::string GetFirstTreeLocation (const std::filesystem::path &input)
std::unique_ptr< TTree > NewTree (const std::unique_ptr< TChain > &chain, const bool makeFriend, const char *thisFunc)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &Stream, const Darwin::Tools::Slice &slice)
static std::ostream dev_null (nullptr)
std::vector< const char * > tokenize (const char *str)
static std::ostream dev_null (nullptr)

Detailed Description

Classes and functions related to the framework.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Slice

typedef std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > Slice

current slice (>=0) / total number of slices (>0)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

default (for simple executables)


activate -c option to provide config file


activate -k and -j to define slice


activate -f to fill the tree


activate -F to only fill the new branches


activate -s to systematic uncertainties


bit for debug mode (-v is always available)

24  {
25  none = 0b000000,
26  config = 0b000001,
27  split = 0b000010,
28  fill = 0b000100,
29  Friend = 0b001100,
30  syst = 0b010000,
31  verbose = 0b100000
32 };

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

default (for simple executables)


activate -c option to provide config file


activate -k and -j to define slice


activate -f to fill the tree


activate -F to only fill the new branches


activate -s to systematic uncertainties


bit for debug mode (-v is always available)

24  {
25  none = 0b000000,
26  config = 0b000001,
27  split = 0b000010,
28  fill = 0b000100,
29  Friend = 0b001100,
30  syst = 0b010000,
31  verbose = 0b100000
32 };

Function Documentation

◆ dev_null() [1/2]

static std::ostream Darwin::Tools::dev_null ( nullptr  )

to redirect output stream to nowhere

◆ dev_null() [2/2]

static std::ostream Darwin::Tools::dev_null ( nullptr  )

to redirect output stream to nowhere

◆ forceMetaInfo()

void Darwin::Tools::forceMetaInfo ( const fs::path &  input,
const fs::path &  output,
const int  steering 

Force content of all TTree::UserInfo() and TList found in the topmost directory of the root file. This method is to be used as a last resort, and certainly not in the context of reproducible results.

inputinput config file (INFO, JSON, XML)
outputROOT file
steeringparameters obtained from explicit options
96 {
97  pt::ptree config;
98  if (input.extension() == ".json")
99  pt::read_json(input, config);
100  else if (input.extension() == ".xml")
101  pt::read_xml(input, config);
102  else
103  pt::read_info(input, config);
105  const string location = GetFirstTreeLocation(output);
106  unique_ptr<TFile> fOut(TFile::Open(output.c_str(), "UPDATE"));
107  auto t = unique_ptr<TTree>(fOut->Get<TTree>(location.c_str()));
108  if (!t)
109  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(DE::BadInput("The tree can't be found in this file.", fOut));
111  t->GetUserInfo()->Clear();
113  static auto& cout = (steering & verbose) == verbose ? ::cout : dev_null;
114  MetaInfo metainfo(t, false);
115  FromPT2MetaInfo(config, metainfo, cout);
116  metainfo.Set<bool>("git", "reproducible", false);
117  if (metainfo.Find("history")) {
118  TList * history = metainfo.List("history");
119  metainfo.List()->Remove(history);
120  }
121  t->Write();
122 }

◆ FromPT2MetaInfo()

void Darwin::Tools::FromPT2MetaInfo ( const pt::ptree &  elements,
const MetaInfo metainfo,
ostream &  cout,
Args...  args 

Sets whatever is in the input config file into the metainfo of a TTree.

elementsfrom config file
metainfotarget metainfo (will be modified)
coutoverrides standard output
argskey chain
55 {
56  if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) < 10) // max depth
57  for (const auto& element: elements) {
58  const char * key = element.first.c_str();
59  const auto& value = element.second.get_value<string>();
61  cout << bold;
62  if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0)
63  (cout << ... << args) << ' ';
64  cout << def << key << " \"" << value << '"' << endl;
66  FromPT2MetaInfo(element.second, metainfo, cout, args..., key);
68  auto match = [&value](const string& reg) {
69  return regex_match( value, regex(reg) );
70  };
71  if (auto isBool = getBool(value); isBool)
72  metainfo.Set<bool>(args..., key, *isBool);
73  else if (match("-?[0-9]+")) // integer
74  metainfo.Set<int>(args..., key, stoi(value));
75  else if (match("-?[0-9]+([\\.][0-9]+)?")) // floating number
76  metainfo.Set<float>(args..., key, stof(value));
77  else if (element.second.size() == 0) { // string
78  if (value.empty()) {
79  if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0)
80  metainfo.Set<string>(args..., string(key));
81  }
82  else
83  metainfo.Set<string>(args..., key, value);
84  }
85  }
86 }

◆ getBool()

optional<bool> Darwin::Tools::getBool ( string  s)

Translates a string into a boolean if possible.

33 {
34  al::to_lower(s);
35  al::trim(s);
36  static const array<string,4> trueStr {"true", "on", "ktrue", "yes"},
37  falseStr {"false", "off", "kfalse", "no"};
38  if (auto it = find(trueStr.begin(), trueStr.end(), s);
39  it != trueStr.end())
40  return make_optional<bool>(true);
41  if (auto it = find(falseStr.begin(), falseStr.end(), s);
42  it != falseStr.end())
43  return make_optional<bool>(false);
44  return {};
45 }

◆ GetChain()

std::unique_ptr< TChain > GetChain ( std::vector< std::filesystem::path >  inputs,
const char *  name = "events" 

Load chain from a list of files.

internal path to TTree

inputsROOT files or directories
nameinternal path to `TTree`
69 {
70  using namespace std;
71  namespace fs = filesystem;
73  unique_ptr<TChain> chain = make_unique<TChain>(name);
75  for (auto const& input: inputs) {
76  int code = chain->Add(input.c_str(), 0); // "If nentries<=0 and wildcarding is not used,
77  // returns 1 if the file exists and contains
78  // the correct tree and 0 otherwise"
79  if (code == 1) continue; // i.e. the tree was found successfully
80  auto fIn = make_unique<TFile>(input.c_str(), "READ");
81  namespace DE = Darwin::Exceptions;
82  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(DE::BadInput("The tree cannot be "
83  "found in (one of) the input file(s).", fIn));
84  }
85  if (chain->GetEntries() == 0)
86  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Empty trees in input!"));
87  return chain;
88 }

◆ GetFirstTreeLocation()

std::string GetFirstTreeLocation ( const std::filesystem::path &  input)

one input ROOT file

Look for a tree in the input file (stop at the first found one).

NOTE: in principle, we take the risk of not looking at the same TTree as all other executables, but this is unlikely in practice

inputone input ROOT file
92 {
93  using namespace std;
94  namespace fs = filesystem;
95  namespace DE = Darwin::Exceptions;
97  unique_ptr<TFile> fIn(TFile::Open(input.c_str(), "READ"));
98  if (!fIn || !fIn->IsOpen() || fIn->IsZombie() || !fs::exists(input))
99  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( fs::filesystem_error("Failed to open input file",
100  input, make_error_code(std::errc::io_error)) );
102  function<string(TDirectory *)> loop;
103  loop = [&loop](TDirectory * d) -> string {
105  // look for a `TTree` in the current `TDirectory`
106  for (const auto&& obj: *(d->GetListOfKeys())) {
107  auto const key = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(obj);
108  if (dynamic_cast<TTree *>(key->ReadObj()) == nullptr) continue;
109  return obj->GetName();
110  }
112  // if not found, check all sub`TDirectory`s
113  for (const auto&& obj: *(d->GetListOfKeys())) {
114  auto const key = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(obj);
115  auto dd = dynamic_cast<TDirectory *>(key->ReadObj());
116  if (dd == nullptr) continue;
117  if (auto location = loop(dd); !location.empty())
118  return Form("%s/%s", dd->GetName(), location.c_str());
119  }
121  // if nothing was found at this stage, return empty string
122  return string();
123  };
124  string location = loop(fIn.get());
125  if (location.empty())
126  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( DE::BadInput("No `TTree` could be found in the input file.", fIn) );
127  return location;
128 }

◆ GetHist()

std::unique_ptr< THX > GetHist ( std::vector< std::filesystem::path >  inputs,
const char *  name = "h" 

Load a histogram from a list of files.

inputsROOT files or directories
nameinternal path to ROOT histogram
48 {
49  using namespace std;
50  namespace fs = filesystem;
52  unique_ptr<THX> sum;
54  for (auto const& input: inputs) {
55  auto fIn = make_unique<TFile>(input.c_str(), "READ");
56  // TODO: what if the file had already been opened?? will it be closed prematurely?
57  unique_ptr<THX> h(fIn->Get<THX>(name));
58  if (!h) {
59  namespace DE = Darwin::Exceptions;
60  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(DE::BadInput(Form("`%s` cannot be found in (one of) the "
61  " file(s).", name), fIn));
62  }
63  if (sum)
64  sum->Add(h.get());
65  else {
66  sum = move(h);
67  sum->SetDirectory(nullptr);
68  }
69  }
70  return sum;
71 }

◆ GetHumanReadableSize()

const char* Darwin::Tools::GetHumanReadableSize ( long double  size)

From an absolute number of bytes to human readable size in KB, MB, GB, etc.

< https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte

sizesize in bytes
30 {
31  static const array levels = {'\0', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'};
32  auto level = levels.begin();
33  while (level != prev(levels.end())
34  && size > static_cast<long double>(thousand)) {
35  ++level;
36  size /= thousand;
37  }
38  return Form("%.0Lf%c", size, *level);
39 }

◆ getMetaInfo()

int Darwin::Tools::getMetaInfo ( vector< fs::path >  inputs,
const fs::path &  output 

Print content of the first TTree::UserInfo() found in the root file.

inputsinput ROOT files
outputoutput config file (INFO, JSON, XML)
28 {
29  const size_t N = inputs.size();
30  hash<UserInfo> Hash;
31  vector<size_t> hashes(N,0);
34  const string location = GetFirstTreeLocation(inputs.front());
36  // looping over files
37  for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
39  // opening file
40  unique_ptr<TFile> fIn(TFile::Open(inputs[i].c_str(), "READ"));
41  if (fIn->IsZombie())
42  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(DE::BadInput("Can't open the file.", fIn));
44  // fetch tree
45  auto t = unique_ptr<TTree>(dynamic_cast<TTree*>(fIn->Get<TTree>(location.c_str())));
46  if (!t)
47  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(DE::BadInput("The tree can't be found in this file.", fIn));
49  // open metainfo
50  MetaInfo mi(t, false);
51  hashes[i] = Hash(mi);
53  // print (only the first time---the next rounds, we only check the hash)
54  bool found = false;
55  if (found) continue;
56  mi.Write(output);
57  found = true;
58  }
60  // check the hash
61  bool identical = true;
62  stringstream ss;
63  for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
64  ss << inputs[i] << '\t' << hex << hashes[i] << '\n';
65  if (i == 0) continue;
66  identical &= hashes[i-1] == hashes[i];
67  }
69  if (identical) return EXIT_SUCCESS;
70  cerr << red << ss.str() << def;
71  return EXIT_FAILURE;
72 }

◆ GetOutput()

std::unique_ptr< TFile > GetOutput ( std::filesystem::path  output,
const char *  name 

Shortcut to create a reproducible output file (see ROOT Doxygen for details)

15 {
16  const auto fname = output;
17  output += "?reproducible="; output += name;
18  std::unique_ptr<TFile> f(TFile::Open(output.c_str(), "RECREATE"));
19  if (!f || !f->IsOpen() || f->IsZombie() || !fs::exists(fname))
20  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( fs::filesystem_error("Failed to open output file",
21  output, make_error_code(std::errc::io_error)) );
22  return f;
23 }

◆ GetROOTfiles()

std::vector< std::filesystem::path > GetROOTfiles ( std::vector< std::filesystem::path >  inputs)

ROOT files or directories.

In case directories are given as inputs, instead of files, this function looks for all ROOT files in those directories (and subdirectories, iteratively).

inputsROOT files or directories
34 {
35  using namespace std;
36  namespace fs = filesystem;
38  if (inputs.size() == 0)
39  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(fs::filesystem_error("No input was found!",
40  make_error_code(errc::no_such_file_or_directory)));
42  vector<fs::path> root_inputs;
43  root_inputs.reserve(inputs.size());
45  for (auto input: inputs) {
46  input = fs::absolute(input);
47  if (fs::is_directory(input)) {
48  for (const auto &entry : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(
49  input, fs::directory_options::follow_directory_symlink)) {
50  if (fs::is_regular_file(entry) && entry.path().extension() == ".root") {
51  root_inputs.push_back(entry);
52  }
53  }
54  }
55  else if (input.extension() == ".root")
56  root_inputs.push_back(input);
57  }
59  sort(root_inputs.begin(), root_inputs.end(),
60  [](const fs::path& a, const fs::path& b) {
61  return strnatcmp(a.c_str(), b.c_str()) < 0;
62  });
63  return root_inputs;
64 }

◆ GetSize()

Long64_t Darwin::Tools::GetSize ( TBranch *  br)

Adapted from ROOT example

44 {
45  TMemFile f("buffer", "CREATE");
46  auto fcurrent = br->GetTree()->GetCurrentFile();
47  if (fcurrent) {
48  auto settings = fcurrent->GetCompressionSettings();
49  f.SetCompressionSettings(settings);
50  }
51  f.WriteObject(br, "thisbranch");
52  TKey * key = f.GetKey("thisbranch");
53  Long64_t size = key->GetNbytes();
55  Long64_t basket = br->GetZipBytes();
56  if (basket == 0) basket = br->GetTotBytes();
58  return basket + size;
59 }

◆ initMetaInfo()

int Darwin::Tools::initMetaInfo ( const pt::ptree &  config)

Writes a minimal MetaInfo to standard output.

configconfig, with `flags` and `corrections` at least
23 {
24  auto formatStr = config.get<string>("format");
25  MetaInfo::Format format;
26  if (formatStr == "info")
27  format = MetaInfo::INFO;
28  else if (formatStr == "json")
29  format = MetaInfo::JSON;
30  else if (formatStr == "xml")
31  format = MetaInfo::XML;
32  else
33  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( std::invalid_argument(
34  "Unknown MetaInfo format \"" + formatStr + "\"") );
36  MetaInfo(MetaInfo::IKnowWhatIAmDoing{}).Write(cout, format);
38  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
39 }

◆ loopBranches()

Long64_t Darwin::Tools::loopBranches ( TObjArray *  branches,
size_t  factor,
int  nIndent = 0 

Adapted from ROOT example

brancheslist of (sub)branches
factorcorrection factor for #files in `TChain`
67 {
68  size_t n = branches->GetEntries();
69  Long64_t total = 0;
70  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
71  auto br = dynamic_cast<TBranch*>(branches->At(i));
72  Long64_t size = GetSize(br);
74  string branchname(nIndent, ' ');
75  branchname += br->GetName();
76  cout << left << setw(40) << branchname
77  << right << setw(10) << GetHumanReadableSize(size * factor) << endl;
79  TObjArray * subbranches = br->GetListOfBranches();
80  size += loopBranches(subbranches, factor, nIndent + 1);
81  total += size;
82  }
83  return total;
84 }

◆ NewTree()

std::unique_ptr< TTree > NewTree ( const std::unique_ptr< TChain > &  chain,
const bool  makeFriend,
const char *  thisFunc 

name of present exec

Either clone the input TChain or define the input TChain as a friend of the new TTree.

The title of the TTree is used to store (retrieve) the name of the present (previous) command. Different names are indeed necessary to distinguish the same branch in a TTree and its friend(s).

TODO: TTree::BuildIndex() to preserve the association despite skipped events?

makeFriendsteering containing the option
thisFuncname of present exec
133 {
134  using namespace std;
135  namespace DT = Darwin::Tools;
136  namespace DE = Darwin::Exceptions;
137  unique_ptr<TTree> tOut;
138  if (makeFriend) {
139  tOut = make_unique<TTree>("events", thisFunc);
140  chain->GetEntry(0); // necessary to load a(ny) TTree
142  // find the name of the previous command
143  TString lastFunc = chain->GetTree()->GetTitle(); // this is supposed to store the name of the last command
144  if (lastFunc == "" || lastFunc == chain->GetTree()->GetName()) {
145  cerr << orange << "Unable to identify the command used to obtain the input from the title.\n" << def;
146  lastFunc = "previous";
147  }
149  // add friend
150  tOut->AddFriend(chain.get(), lastFunc);
152  // copy metainfo
153  TList * userinfo = chain->GetTree()->GetUserInfo();
154  tOut->GetUserInfo()->AddAll(userinfo);
155  userinfo->Clear(); // necessary to prevent the TTree destructor from deleting
156  // all elements in the list (avoid double deletion)
157  }
158  else {
159  tOut = unique_ptr<TTree>(chain->CloneTree(0));
160  tOut->SetTitle(thisFunc);
161  }
162  return tOut;
163 }

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  Stream,
const Darwin::Tools::Slice slice 

Prints the current slice and the total number of slices.

26 {
27  Stream << slice.second << '/' << slice.first;
28  return Stream;
29 }

◆ printBranches()

void Darwin::Tools::printBranches ( vector< fs::path >  inputs)

Adapted from ROOT example

inputsinput ROOT files
90 {
92  size_t factor = inputs.size();
93  string location = GetFirstTreeLocation(inputs.front());
94  unique_ptr<TChain> tIn = GetChain(inputs, location.c_str());
95  TObjArray * branches = tIn->GetListOfBranches();
96  size_t size = loopBranches(branches, factor);
97  cout << right << setw(50) << GetHumanReadableSize(size * factor) << endl;
98 }

◆ PrintCloseFriend()

void Darwin::Tools::PrintCloseFriend ( TList *  friends,
const int  steering,
string  offset = "" 

Retrieve and prints the name and the friends.

friendsobtained from `TTree::GetListOfFriends()`
steeringbitflied from `Options::steering()`
offsetspaces to show the distance from the original tree
27 {
28  // if the tree had no friend, the list does not exist
29  if (friends == nullptr) return;
31  if (steering & verbose) friends->Print();
33  // a priori we only expect one friend, but nothing speaks against more
34  for (TObject * obj: *friends) {
35  auto buddy = dynamic_cast<TFriendElement*>(obj);
36  cout << offset << buddy->GetName()
37  << ' ' << buddy->GetFile()->GetName()
38  << ':' << buddy->GetTreeName() << endl;
40  TList * comrades = buddy->GetTree()->GetListOfFriends();
41  offset += " ";
42  PrintCloseFriend(comrades, steering, offset);
43  }
44 }

◆ printDarwinSoftwareVersion()

void Darwin::Tools::printDarwinSoftwareVersion ( )

Print the versions of the various pieces of software. Each software appears on a new line. Tought for exception handling in Python code and for Doxygen.

16 {
17  // TODO: use accumulate
18  for (auto const& v: MetaInfo::versions)
19  cout << v.first << ' ' << v.second << '\n';
20  cout << flush;
21 }

◆ printEntries()

void Darwin::Tools::printEntries ( vector< fs::path >  inputs)

Get total number of entries in input ROOT file(s) or directory, and prints it directly to the terminal.

inputsinput ROOT files
24 {
25  try {
27  string location = GetFirstTreeLocation(inputs.front());
28  unique_ptr<TChain> tIn = GetChain(inputs, location.c_str());
29  cout << tIn->GetEntries() << endl;
30  }
31  catch (boost::wrapexcept<std::invalid_argument>& e) {
32  cout << 0 << endl;
33  }
34 }

◆ printFriends()

void Darwin::Tools::printFriends ( vector< fs::path >  inputs,
const int  steering 

Prints the recursive list of friends to the input n-tuple.

inputsinput ROOT files
steeringbitfield from `Options::steering()`
51 {
53  string location = GetFirstTreeLocation(inputs.front());
54  unique_ptr<TChain> chain = GetChain(inputs, location.c_str());
55  chain->GetEntry(0);
56  TList * friends = chain->GetTree()->GetListOfFriends();
57  PrintCloseFriend(friends, steering);
58 }

◆ printHist()

void Darwin::Tools::printHist ( vector< fs::path >  inputs,
const pt::ptree &  config 

Print the content of a 1D histogram in columns.

Convention: index lowEdge upEdge content error

inputsinput ROOT files
configconfig handled with `Darwin::Tools::options`
29 {
30  auto histname = config.get<string>("hist").c_str();
31  auto h = GetHist<TH1>({inputs}, histname);
32  if (h->GetDimension() > 1)
33  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( DE::BadInput("The desired histogram is not 1D",
34  TFile(inputs.front().c_str()) ));
35  int N = h->GetNbinsX();
36  for (int i = 0; i <= N+1; ++i) {
37  double low = h->GetBinLowEdge(i),
38  up = h->GetBinLowEdge(i+1),
39  content = h->GetBinContent(i),
40  error = h->GetBinError(i);
41  if (error == 0 && content == 0) continue;
43  // index
44  cout << setw(10);
45  if (i == 0) cout << "underflow";
46  else if (i == N+1) cout << "overflow";
47  else cout << i;
49  // low edge
50  cout << setw(15);
51  if (i == 0) cout << "-inf";
52  else cout << low;
53  cout << setw(10);
55  // upper edge
56  if (i > N) cout << "+inf";
57  else cout << up;
59  // bin content and error
60  cout << setw(15) << content
61  << setw(15) << error
62  << '\n';
63  }
64  cout << flush;
65 }

◆ printMetaInfo()

int Darwin::Tools::printMetaInfo ( vector< fs::path >  inputs,
const pt::ptree &  config 

Print the value(s) corresponding to a given key in the first given input ROOT file.

If no value / subtree is found, the command fails and exits. If multiple entries are found, they are all printed. Only the first subtree is displayed.

The INFO format allows a key to have a value and a child. Since the JSON format does not allow that, we assume here that this case does not happen.

inputsinput ROOT files
configconfig, with `flags` and `corrections` at least
36 {
38  const string location = GetFirstTreeLocation(inputs.front());
40  // opening first file
41  unique_ptr<TFile> fIn(TFile::Open(inputs.front().c_str(), "READ"));
42  if (fIn->IsZombie())
43  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(DE::BadInput("Can't open the file.", fIn));
45  // fetch tree
46  auto t = unique_ptr<TTree>(dynamic_cast<TTree*>(fIn->Get<TTree>(location.c_str())));
47  if (!t)
48  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(DE::BadInput("The tree can't be found in this file.", fIn));
50  // open metainfo
51  MetaInfo metainfo(t, false);
52  auto ptree = metainfo.MkPtree();
53  auto key = config.get<string>("path");
55  auto value = ptree.get<string>(key);
56  if (!value.empty()) {
57  cout << value << endl;
58  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
59  }
61  auto child = ptree.get_child_optional(key);
62  if (child) {
63  for (auto& el: *child) {
64  string key = el.first,
65  val = el.second.get_value<string>();
66  if (!key.empty()) cout << key << ' ';
67  if (!val.empty()) cout << val;
68  cout << '\n';
69  }
70  cout << flush;
71  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
72  }
74  return EXIT_FAILURE;
75 }

◆ StandardInit()

void StandardInit ( )

Standard initialisation for ROOT.

"Now you own all histogram objects and you will need to delete them, for in- stance through the use of std::unique_ptr. You can still set the directory of a histogram by calling SetDirectory() once it has been created."

26 {
27  gROOT->SetBatch();
28  TH1::SetDefaultSumw2();
29  TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
30 }

◆ tokenize()

std::vector<const char *> Darwin::Tools::tokenize ( const char *  str)

Tokenize a C-style string into a vector of C-style string with space as delimiter. It is especially useful in tests where the command is hard-coded.

16  {
17  std::cout << "\e[1m" << str << "\e[0m" << std::endl;
19  // convert from `const char *` to `char *`
20  char * cmd = new char[strlen(str)+1];
21  strcpy(cmd, str);
23  // tokenize
24  std::vector<const char *> args;
25  for (char * arg = strtok(cmd, " ");
26  arg != nullptr;
27  arg = strtok(NULL, " "))
28  args.push_back(std::move(arg));
30  //free(cmd); // do NOT free the memory
31  return args;
32  }
std::string GetFirstTreeLocation(const std::filesystem::path &input)
one input ROOT file
Definition: FileUtils.cc:91
Definition: DYToLL_M-50_13TeV_pythia8_cff_GEN_SIM_RECOBEFMIX_DIGI_L1_DIGI2RAW_L1Reco_RECO.py:48
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:93
Definition: jercExample.py:88
void PrintCloseFriend(TList *friends, const int steering, string offset="")
Retrieve and prints the name and the friends.
Definition: printFriends.cc:24
@ syst
activate -s to systematic uncertainties
Definition: Options.h:30
const char * GetHumanReadableSize(long double size)
From an absolute number of bytes to human readable size in KB, MB, GB, etc.
Definition: printBranches.cc:28
static bool verbose
Definition: Step.h:40
@ verbose
bit for debug mode (-v is always available)
Definition: Options.h:31
static const char * def
Definition: Step.h:36
@ none
default (for simple executables)
Definition: Options.h:25
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:11
std::unique_ptr< TChain > GetChain(std::vector< std::filesystem::path > inputs, const char *name="events")
Load chain from a list of files.
Definition: FileUtils.cc:67
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:255
Long64_t GetSize(TBranch *br)
Adapted from ROOT example
Definition: printBranches.cc:43
string key
Definition: jercExample.py:109
@ fill
activate -f to fill the tree
Definition: Options.h:28
Handling of exceptions.
Definition: darwin.h:34
static const char * red
Definition: Step.h:34
Definition: Core-cfgcmd.txt:1
@ split
activate -k and -j to define slice
Definition: Options.h:27
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:263
static const char * orange
Definition: colours.h:6
Definition: DYToLL_M-50_13TeV_pythia8_cff_GEN_SIM_RECOBEFMIX_DIGI_L1_DIGI2RAW_L1Reco_RECO.py:35
@ config
activate -c option to provide config file
Definition: Options.h:26
Classes and functions related to the framework.
Definition: forceMetaInfo.cc:28
std::vector< std::filesystem::path > GetROOTfiles(std::vector< std::filesystem::path > inputs)
ROOT files or directories.
Definition: FileUtils.cc:33
def inputs
Definition: jercExample.py:118
DAS::FourVector match(const DAS::FourVector &jet, const std::vector< DAS::FourVector > *hltJets)
Definition: match.h:7
static std::ostream dev_null(nullptr)
to redirect output stream to nowhere
Long64_t loopBranches(TObjArray *branches, size_t factor, int nIndent=0)
Adapted from ROOT example
Definition: printBranches.cc:63
@ Friend
activate -F to only fill the new branches
Definition: Options.h:29
Generic exception for ill-defined input (before the event loop).
Definition: exceptions.h:68
void FromPT2MetaInfo(const pt::ptree &elements, const MetaInfo &metainfo, ostream &cout, Args... args)
Sets whatever is in the input config file into the metainfo of a TTree.
Definition: forceMetaInfo.cc:50
optional< bool > getBool(string s)
Translates a string into a boolean if possible.
Definition: forceMetaInfo.cc:32
static const char * bold
Definition: Step.h:35