| rng = np.random.default_rng() |
list | correction_labels = ["metphicorr_pfmet_mc", "metphicorr_puppimet_mc", "metphicorr_pfmet_data", "metphicorr_puppimet_data"] |
list | eras = ["2018_UL", "2017_UL", "2016postVFP_UL", "2016preVFP_UL"] |
list | run_ranges = [[315252, 325274], [297020, 306463], [278769, 284045], [272007, 278771]] |
string | infile = "met.json.gz" |
| is_data = None |
| ceval = correctionlib.CorrectionSet.from_file("../POG/JME/{}/{}".format(era,infile)) |
tuple | pts = (rng.pareto(1.5,size=1000000))*100 |
| phis = rng.uniform(low=-3.14,high=3.14,size=1000000) |
| npvs = rng.integers(low=0,high=200,size=1000000) |
| runs = None |
| corrected_pts = ceval["pt_{}".format(correction_label)].evaluate(pts,phis,npvs,runs) |
| corrected_phis = ceval["phi_{}".format(correction_label)].evaluate(pts,phis,npvs,runs) |
| fig |
| axs |
| sharey |
| True |
| tight_layout |
| xlabel |
| bins |
| range |
| ylabel |
In this test script, the different MET Phi Corrections are applied to uniform MET pt,phi distributions to check whether the corrections have an effect.
The number of primary vertices are also drawn from a uniform distribution. The run numbers come from a uniform distribution as well but the run ranges (for data)
are fitting the different eras to not cause crashes.
In the end two plots are created. The first one shows the effect of the corrections on the uniform MET phi distribution and the second one shows the same effect
but as a function of the primary vertices.
This is only a technical test, the resulting plots should not be taken too seriously.