DAS  3.0
Das Analysis System


This functor implements the selection and normalisation of the events in the dataset. The public attributes are the following:

  • trigger_lumi -> contains the trigger threshold (integer) and associated lumi
  • eff -> contains the efficiency of the trigger at the leadingJet
  • ntriggers -> number of trigger used
  • inv_total_lumi -> inverse of the total uminosity of the sample
  • minpt -> pt turnon of the lowest trigger
  • ibit -> index of the highest pt trigger that have fired
  • it -> iterator to the pair<trigger, TriggerLumi> of the highest pt trigger that have fired

The operator() implements the selection and normalisation itself. A private funtion pointer is used to allow to point to different private methods corresponding to different strategies. This behaviour is switched via 'strategy' argument in the constructor. It also iterate Functor::ibit down to the highest trigger for which the leading jet pt is above the trigger turnon. This functor returns the leading jet according to the strategy that has been chosen AND multiplies the rec-level event weight to normalise the triggers together and to normalise the full dataset to the correct luminosity, according to the method that has been used. The weights are multiplied by: $\frac{ prescale * \mathcurl{L}_{total}^{-1} }{ \epsilon_{trigger} }$ in method 'presc' and by $ \frac{ \mathcurl{L}_{effective, trigger}^{-1} }{ \epsilon_{trigger} }$ in method 'lumi'. (NOTE: The lumi, trigger thresholds and trigger efficiency curves should be provided)

Two strategies are implemented.

Two methods are implemented:

  • 'prescales' (see the private method Functor::NormalisationCommonPresc())
  • 'lumi' (see the private method DataNormalsiation::NormalisationCommonLumi()) (NOTE: Other methods could be implemented in the future. They should be implemented in this class.)

Technical remark: the switch wrt the different strategies and is done through private methods and private pointer function.

#include <applyDataNormalisation.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for Functor:

Public Member Functions

 Functor (fs::path lumi_file, fs::path turnon_file, fs::path trigger_curves, const std::string &strategy, const std::string &method, const int year)
const RecJetoperator() (RecEvent &evnt, std::vector< RecJet > &recJets, std::vector< FourVector > &hltJets, Trigger &trigger)

Public Attributes

const std::map< int, TriggerLumitriggers_lumi
TriggerEff eff
const size_t ntriggers
const double inv_total_lumi
const float minpt
size_t ibit
std::map< int, TriggerLumi >::const_reverse_iterator it

Private Member Functions

const RecJetNormalisationCommonPresc (RecEvent &evnt, const RecJet &leadingJet, const Trigger &trigger)
const RecJetNormalisationCommonLumi (RecEvent &evnt, const RecJet &leadingJet, const Trigger &trigger)
const RecJetNormalisationStd (RecEvent &evnt, std::vector< RecJet > &recJets, std::vector< FourVector > &hltJets, Trigger &trigger)
const RecJetNormalisationFwd (RecEvent &evnt, std::vector< RecJet > &recJets, std::vector< FourVector > &hltJets, Trigger &trigger)

Private Attributes

const RecJet &(Functor::* NormalisationPtr )(RecEvent &, std::vector< RecJet > &, std::vector< FourVector > &, Trigger &)
const RecJet &(Functor::* NormalisationCommonPtr )(RecEvent &, const RecJet &, const Trigger &)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Functor()

Functor ( fs::path  lumi_file,
fs::path  turnon_file,
fs::path  trigger_curves,
const std::string &  strategy,
const std::string &  method,
const int  year 
94  : // !< year of the dataset (201?)
95  triggers_lumi(GetLumiFromFiles(lumi_file, turnon_file)),
96  eff(trigger_curves, triggers_lumi, year),
97  ntriggers(triggers_lumi.size()),
98  inv_total_lumi((prev(triggers_lumi.end())->second).weight),
99  minpt(triggers_lumi.begin()->second.turnon)
100  {
101  using namespace std;
103  cout << "ntriggers = " << ntriggers << '\n'
104  << "tot lumi = " << 1./inv_total_lumi << '\n'
105  << "minpt = " << minpt << endl;
107  if (method == "prescales")
109  else if (method == "lumi")
111  else {
112  cerr << "method ('" << method << "') is not defined, aborting\n";
113  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
114  }
116  if (strategy == "pt")
118  else if (strategy == "eta")
120  else {
121  cerr << "strategy of selection and normalisation ('" << strategy << "') is not defined, aborting\n";
122  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
123  }
124  }

Member Function Documentation

◆ NormalisationCommonLumi()

const RecJet& NormalisationCommonLumi ( RecEvent evnt,
const RecJet leadingJet,
const Trigger trigger 

Implements the common part to all the strategies in the 'lumi' method:

  • find the luminosity that apply to the event
  • set the weight accroding to the effective luminosity and efficiency of the trigger
  • remove events with null trigger efficiency (NOTE: The method lumi could be used to force the application of a weight. For instance, inv_effective_prescales * total_inv_lumi)
197  {
198  // retrieve the efficiency and the effective luminosity
199  double efficiency = eff(leadingJet);
200  double inv_eff_lumi = (it->second).weight;
203  if (efficiency <= 0)
204  reset(evnt.weights);
205  else {
206  double norm = inv_eff_lumi / efficiency;
207  evnt.weights *= norm;
208  }
209  return leadingJet;
210  }

◆ NormalisationCommonPresc()

const RecJet& NormalisationCommonPresc ( RecEvent evnt,
const RecJet leadingJet,
const Trigger trigger 

Implements the part that is common to all the strategies in the 'presc' method.

  • calculating the prescales
  • set the weight according to the prescales, efficiency andi total luminosity
  • remove events with null trigger efficiency
this should be changed there are cases in which preL1min != preL1max
151  {
152  using namespace std;
154  // get prescale
155  double preHLT = trigger.PreHLT[ibit];
156  double preL1min = trigger.PreL1min[ibit];
157  double preL1max = trigger.PreL1max[ibit];
158  if (preL1min != preL1max)
159  cerr << "\x1B[31m\e[1m" << preL1min << ' ' << preL1max << "\x1B[30m\e[0m\n";
161  double prescale = preHLT * preL1min;
162  // sanity checks:
164  // 1) we assume that the same prescale is indeed constant for a given LS
165  {
166  static vector<map<pair<int,int>,int>> prescales(ntriggers);
167  pair<int,int> runlum = {evnt.runNo, evnt.lumi};
168  if (prescales.at(ibit).count(runlum))
169  assert(prescales.at(ibit).at(runlum) == prescale);
170  else
171  prescales.at(ibit)[runlum] = prescale;
172  }
174  // setting the inverse of the eff lumi to the event including correction of for the trigger efficiency
175  double efficiency = eff(leadingJet);
176  //cout << __LINE__ << ' ' << efficiency << endl; /// \todo verbose option
177  if (efficiency <= 0)
178  reset(evnt.weights);
179  else {
180  double norm = prescale * inv_total_lumi / efficiency;
181  //cout << __LINE__ << ' ' << norm << endl; /// \todo verbose option
182  evnt.weights *= norm;
183  }
184  return leadingJet;
185  }

◆ NormalisationFwd()

const RecJet& NormalisationFwd ( RecEvent evnt,
std::vector< RecJet > &  recJets,
std::vector< FourVector > &  hltJets,
Trigger trigger 

Implements the normalisation and selection used for Mueller-Navelet jets studies. Return the leadingJet. Calculates the luminosity, efficiency, and prescale and set the wieghts accordingly The selection rules for event are the following: -> Must be the most forward or most backward jet -> Must match an hltJet -> The hltJet and recJet matching together must be above the hlt threshold and turnon of the trigger respectivelly. -> If both the most bwd and most fwd jets satisfies the above conditions, the jets with highest absolute rapidity is defined as the leading jet. If the event do not macth these criteria, the event weights are set to zero and the leadingJet is the most forward jet. The event must be discarted when filling a tree.

294  {
295  using namespace std;
297  // sorte the jets in decreasing order of rapidity
298  auto mnorder = [] (const RecJet& recJet1, const RecJet& recJet2) {
299  return (recJet1.p4.Eta() > recJet2.p4.Eta());
300  };
301  sort(recJets.begin(), recJets.end(), mnorder);
303  // take the most forward and most backward jets
304  auto leadingJet = recJets.begin();
305  auto subleadingJet = prev(recJets.end());
306  FourVector leadingHltTk = match(leadingJet->p4, &hltJets);
307  FourVector subleadingHltTk = match(subleadingJet->p4, &hltJets);
309  if (leadingHltTk == FourVector() && subleadingHltTk == FourVector()) {
310  reset(evnt.weights);
311  return recJets.front();
312  }
314  // we assume that JES corrections have been stored in DAS::RecJet::scales
315  float leading_pt = leadingJet->CorrPt();
316  float subleading_pt = subleadingJet->CorrPt();
317  // remove events if it does not contained any jet with pt > pt of the first threshold
318  if (leading_pt < minpt && subleading_pt < minpt) {
319  reset(evnt.weights);
320  return recJets.front();
321  }
323  // note: we want to keep jets with pt < minpt if at least the leading jets has > 64
324  // (but other jets are allowed to have a arbitrarily low pt)
326  float leadingHlt_pt = leadingHltTk.Pt();
327  float subleadingHlt_pt = subleadingHltTk.Pt();
329  it = triggers_lumi.rbegin();
330  ibit = ntriggers-1;
332  // Find the range by looping over triggers (from top to bottom)
333  while (it != triggers_lumi.rend()) {
334  int recturnon = it->second.turnon;
335  float hltthreshold = it->first;
336  if ( (leading_pt >= recturnon) && (leadingHlt_pt >= hltthreshold)
337  && (subleading_pt >= recturnon) && (subleadingHlt_pt >= hltthreshold) ) {
338  if ( std::abs(subleadingJet->p4.Eta()) > std::abs(leadingJet->p4.Eta()) ) {
339  swap(leadingJet, subleadingJet);
340  swap(leading_pt, subleading_pt);
341  swap(leadingHlt_pt, subleadingHlt_pt);
342  }
343  break;
344  }
345  if (leading_pt >= recturnon && leadingHlt_pt >= hltthreshold) break;
346  if (subleading_pt >= recturnon && subleadingHlt_pt >= hltthreshold) {
347  swap(leadingJet, subleadingJet);
348  swap(leading_pt, subleading_pt);
349  swap(leadingHlt_pt, subleadingHlt_pt);
350  break;
351  }
352  ++it; --ibit;
353  }
355  // if the leading pt was "too low"
356  // (i.e. smaller than the lowest-pt turn-on),
357  // then the event is discarded
358  if (it == triggers_lumi.rend()) {
359  reset(evnt.weights);
360  return recJets.front();
361  }
363  if (ibit >= ntriggers+1) {
364  cerr << "\x1B[31m\e[1mProblem with `ibit` (leading_pt = " << leading_pt << ")\x1B[30m\e[0m\n";
365  reset(evnt.weights);
366  return recJets.front();
367  }
369  //check if the trigger has fired
370  if (!trigger.Bit.at(ibit)) {
371  reset(evnt.weights);
372  return recJets.front();
373  }
374  return (this->*NormalisationCommonPtr)(evnt, *leadingJet, trigger);
375  }

◆ NormalisationStd()

const RecJet& NormalisationStd ( RecEvent evnt,
std::vector< RecJet > &  recJets,
std::vector< FourVector > &  hltJets,
Trigger trigger 

Implements the "standard" normalisation. The jets are ordered in pt. The jets with highest pt within ($|\eta| < 2.5$) is the "leading jet". Find the trigger bit corresponding to: $ max \left( \left{ TriggerThresods | TriggerThresholds < p_{T}^{leading} \right} \right) $ Calculates the efficiency and prescales and reweight the events. (NOTE: this done regardless to the fact that the leadingJet has matched to an hltJet)

223  {
224  using namespace std;
226  // we find the leading jet in tracker acceptance
227  auto leadingInTk = phaseSel(recJets);
229  // remove empty events
230  if (leadingInTk == recJets.end()) {
231  reset(evnt.weights);
232  return recJets.front();
233  }
234  // we assume that JES corrections have been stored in DAS::RecJet::scales
235  auto leading_pt = leadingInTk->CorrPt();
236  // remove events if it does not contain any jets with pt > first threshold
237  if (leading_pt < minpt) {
238  reset(evnt.weights);
239  return recJets.front();
240  }
241  // note: we want to keep jets with pt < minpt if at least the leading jets has >= 64
242  // (but other jets are allowed to have a arbitrarily low pt)
244  it = triggers_lumi.rbegin();
245  ibit = ntriggers-1;
246  // find the range by looping over triggers (from top to bottom)
247  while (it != triggers_lumi.rend()) {
248  if (leading_pt >= it->second.turnon) break;
249  ++it; --ibit;
250  }
252  //cout << __LINE__ << ' ' << ibit << endl; /// \todo verbose option
254  // if the leading pt was "too low"
255  // (i.e. smaller than the lowest-pt turn-on),
256  // then the event is discarded
258  if (it == triggers_lumi.rend()) {
259  cerr << "\x1B[31m\e[1mProblem with `trigger_lumi` iterator (leading_pt = " << leading_pt << ")\x1B[30m\e[0m\n";
260  reset(evnt.weights);
261  return recJets.front();
262  }
263  if (ibit >= ntriggers+1) {
264  cerr << "\x1B[31m\e[1mProblem with `ibit` (leading_pt = " << leading_pt << ")\x1B[30m\e[0m\n";
265  reset(evnt.weights);
266  return recJets.front();
267  }
269  // check if the trigger has fired
270  if (!trigger.Bit.at(ibit)) {
271  reset(evnt.weights);
272  return recJets.front();
273  }
274  return (this->*NormalisationCommonPtr)(evnt, *leadingInTk, trigger);
275  }

◆ operator()()

const RecJet& operator() ( RecEvent evnt,
std::vector< RecJet > &  recJets,
std::vector< FourVector > &  hltJets,
Trigger trigger 

Implements the selection and normalisation. It sets the RecEvent::weights so that the different triggers are normalised and that the dataset in normalised to the total luminosity. In this respect it is assumed that the highest pt trigger has prescale 1. And that its lumi is the total luminosity.

Apply some preliminary cuts depending depending on triggers. (For more details see the strategies)

138  {
139  return (this->*NormalisationPtr)(evnt, recJets, hltJets, trigger);
140  }

Member Data Documentation

◆ eff

◆ ibit

size_t ibit

◆ inv_total_lumi

const double inv_total_lumi

◆ it

std::map<int, TriggerLumi>::const_reverse_iterator it

◆ minpt

const float minpt

◆ NormalisationCommonPtr

const RecJet&(Functor::* NormalisationCommonPtr) (RecEvent &, const RecJet &, const Trigger &)

◆ NormalisationPtr

const RecJet&(Functor::* NormalisationPtr) (RecEvent &, std::vector< RecJet > &, std::vector< FourVector > &, Trigger &)

Pointer functions. NormalisationPtr is set by the constructor to one of private method implementing a specific normalisation strategy (i.e. normalisation,selection of the leading jet, trigger considered as triggering the event). The NormaloisationCommonPtr pointer implements the part common to all the strategies but implementing different method to normalise, depending on the argument method in the constructor. It is used by the private methods pointed by NormalisationPtr.

◆ ntriggers

const size_t ntriggers

◆ triggers_lumi

const std::map<int, TriggerLumi> triggers_lumi

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
std::vector< DAS::RecJet >::iterator phaseSel(std::vector< DAS::RecJet > &recjets)
Definition: PhaseSelection.h:9
Definition: Core-gitclone-lastrun.txt:5
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:98
const RecJet & NormalisationStd(RecEvent &evnt, std::vector< RecJet > &recJets, std::vector< FourVector > &hltJets, Trigger &trigger)
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:219
TriggerEff eff
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:68
int year
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:63
const RecJet & NormalisationFwd(RecEvent &evnt, std::vector< RecJet > &recJets, std::vector< FourVector > &hltJets, Trigger &trigger)
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:290
const RecJet & NormalisationCommonLumi(RecEvent &evnt, const RecJet &leadingJet, const Trigger &trigger)
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:194
void reset(Weights &wgts, const double v=0)
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:28
std::map< int, TriggerLumi >::const_reverse_iterator it
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:73
const size_t ntriggers
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:69
const RecJet &(Functor::* NormalisationPtr)(RecEvent &, std::vector< RecJet > &, std::vector< FourVector > &, Trigger &)
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:83
DAS::Weight weight
Definition: classes.h:11
const float minpt
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:71
size_t ibit
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:72
std::map< int, TriggerLumi > GetLumiFromFiles(const std::filesystem::path &lumi_file, const std::filesystem::path &turnon_file)
path to text file with turn-on points
const double inv_total_lumi
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:70
const std::map< int, TriggerLumi > triggers_lumi
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:67
DAS::FourVector match(const DAS::FourVector &jet, const std::vector< DAS::FourVector > *hltJets)
Definition: match.h:7
const RecJet & NormalisationCommonPresc(RecEvent &evnt, const RecJet &leadingJet, const Trigger &trigger)
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:148
ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< float > > FourVector
Definition: PhysicsObject.h:15
const RecJet &(Functor::* NormalisationCommonPtr)(RecEvent &, const RecJet &, const Trigger &)
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.h:84