DAS  3.0
Das Analysis System


Generic structure to hold the histograms and indices corresponding to one variation, for any observable using TUnfoldBinning.

This class is intended to be used in getUnfHist only.

#include <DistVariation.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for DistVariation:
+ Collaboration diagram for DistVariation:

Public Member Functions

 ~DistVariation ()
 DistVariation (const TString &group, const TString &name, size_t index=0, int bit=0)
 DistVariation (const DistVariation &v)
 DistVariation (DistVariation &&v)
void Write (TDirectory *d)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Variation
 ~Variation ()=default
 Variation (const TString &group, const TString &name, size_t index=0, int bit=0)
 Variation (const Variation &v)
 Variation (Variation &&v)

Public Attributes

std::unique_ptr< TH1 > rec
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > tmp
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > gen
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > missNoMatch
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > missOut
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > fakeNoMatch
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > fakeOut
std::unique_ptr< TH2 > cov
std::unique_ptr< TH2 > RM
- Public Attributes inherited from Variation
const TString group
const TString name
const std::size_t index
const int bit

Static Public Attributes

static bool isMC = false
static TUnfoldBinning * genBinning = nullptr
static TUnfoldBinning * recBinning = nullptr

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~DistVariation()


108 {
109  auto apply_to_all = [](auto&& f, auto&& ... x) { (f(x),...); };
111  // 1D histograms
112  auto check_bin_contents_1D = [](auto&& h) {
113  if (!h) return;
114  if (h->GetEntries() == 0) // TODO: fix move constructor (otherwise this is prompted when copying, which is misleading)
115  cerr << orange << h->GetName() << " is empty" << def << '\n';
116  if (h->GetBinContent(0) > 0)
117  cerr << orange << h->GetName() << "'s underflow is not empty\n" << def;
118  if (h->GetBinContent(h->GetNbinsX()+1) > 0)
119  cerr << orange << h->GetName() << "'s overflow is not empty\n" << def;
120  };
121  apply_to_all(check_bin_contents_1D,
124  // 2D histograms
125  auto check_bin_contents_2D = [](auto&& h) {
126  if (!h) return;
128  int nBinsX = h->GetNbinsX();
129  int nBinsY = h->GetNbinsY();
131  bool underflowFilled = false,
132  overflowFilled = false;
133  for (int i = 1; i <= nBinsX; ++i) {
134  underflowFilled |= h->GetBinContent(i,0) > 0;
135  overflowFilled |= h->GetBinContent(i,nBinsY+1) > 0;
136  }
137  if (underflowFilled)
138  cerr << orange << h->GetName() << "'s underflow on horizontal axis is not empty\n" << def;
139  if (overflowFilled)
140  cerr << orange << h->GetName() << "'s overflow on horizontal axis is not empty\n" << def;
142  underflowFilled = false;
143  overflowFilled = false;
144  for (int i = 1; i <= nBinsX; ++i) {
145  underflowFilled |= h->GetBinContent(0,i) > 0;
146  overflowFilled |= h->GetBinContent(nBinsX+1,0) > 0;
147  }
148  if (underflowFilled)
149  cerr << orange << h->GetName() << "'s underflow on vertical axis is not empty\n" << def;
150  if (overflowFilled)
151  cerr << orange << h->GetName() << "'s overflow on vertical axis is not empty\n" << def;
152  };
153  apply_to_all(check_bin_contents_2D, RM, cov);
155  if (!RM) return;
157  bool genClosure = true, recClosure = true;
158  auto checkbin = [](const unique_ptr<TH1>& h, int i) {
159  auto content = h->GetBinContent(i);
160  bool ok = std::abs(content - 1) < feps || std::abs(content) < feps;
161  if (!ok) cerr << orange << "| " << i << " " << content << "\n" << def;
162  return ok;
163  };
165  auto RMx = unique_ptr<TH1>(RM->ProjectionX());
166  RMx->Add(missNoMatch.get());
167  RMx->Add(missOut.get());
168  RMx->Divide(gen.get());
169  for (int i = 1; i <= RMx->GetNbinsX(); ++i)
170  genClosure &= checkbin(RMx, i);
172  auto RMy = unique_ptr<TH1>(RM->ProjectionY());
173  RMy->Add(fakeNoMatch.get());
174  RMy->Add(fakeOut.get());
175  RMy->Divide(rec.get());
176  for (int i = 1; i <= RMy->GetNbinsX(); ++i)
177  recClosure &= checkbin(RMy, i);
179  if (!recClosure)
180  cerr << red << name << " is not closing at rec level" << '\n' << def;
181  if (!genClosure)
182  cerr << red << name << " is not closing at gen level" << '\n' << def;
183 }

◆ DistVariation() [1/3]

DistVariation ( const TString &  group,
const TString &  name,
size_t  index = 0,
int  bit = 0 

Normal constructor.

21  :
23 {
24  cout << "|- Setting up " << __func__ << " `" << name << "`." << endl;
26  if (!genBinning)
27  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( runtime_error("Particle-level binning has not been defined") );
28  if (!recBinning)
29  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( runtime_error("Detector-level binning has not been defined") );
31  // TH1 * TUnfoldBinning::CreateHistogram
32  // (const char * histogramName,
33  // Bool_t originalAxisBinning = kFALSE, // no physical axis
34  // Int_t ** binMap = nullptr, // mapping from global bins to hist bins (unused here)
35  // const char * histogramTitle = nullptr,
36  // const char * axisSteering = nullptr // needed for underflow and overflow (not done here)
37  // )
38  auto makeRec = [this,name](TString subname, TString title) {
39  auto h = unique_ptr<TH1>(recBinning->CreateHistogram(name + subname,
40  false, nullptr, title + " (detector level)"));
41  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("rec");
42  return h;
43  };
44  rec = makeRec("rec", "all");
45  tmp = makeRec("tmp", "temporary object to calculate covariance");
47  // TH2D * TUnfoldBinning::CreateErrorMatrixHistogram
48  // (const char * histogramName,
49  // Bool_t originalAxisBinning,
50  // Int_t ** binMap = nullptr,
51  // const char * histogramTitle = nullptr,
52  // const char * axisSteering = nullptr
53  // )
54  cov = unique_ptr<TH2>(recBinning->CreateErrorMatrixHistogram(name + "cov",
55  false, nullptr, "covariance matrix (detector level)"));
56  cov->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("rec");
57  cov->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("rec");
59  if (!isMC) return;
60  auto makeGen = [this,name](TString subname, TString title) {
61  auto h = unique_ptr<TH1>(genBinning->CreateHistogram(name + subname,
62  false, nullptr, title + " (particle level)"));
63  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("gen");
64  return h;
65  };
66  gen = makeGen("gen" , "all");
67  missNoMatch = makeGen("missNoMatch", "truly unmatched");
68  missOut = makeGen("missOut" , "matched out of the phase space");
69  fakeNoMatch = makeRec("fakeNoMatch", "truly unmatched");
70  fakeOut = makeRec("fakeOut" , "matched out of the phase space");
72  // TH2D * TUnfoldBinning::CreateHistogramOfMigrations (TUnfoldBinning const * xAxis,
73  // TUnfoldBinning const * yAxis,
74  // char const * histogramName,
75  // Bool_t originalXAxisBinning = kFALSE,
76  // Bool_t originalYAxisBinning = kFALSE,
77  // char const * histogramTitle = nullptr
78  // )
79  RM = unique_ptr<TH2>(TUnfoldBinning::CreateHistogramOfMigrations(genBinning, recBinning,
80  name + "RM", false, false, "response matrix"));
81  RM->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("gen");
82  RM->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("rec");
83 }

◆ DistVariation() [2/3]

DistVariation ( const DistVariation v)

copy constructor

54  :
56  rec (std::unique_ptr<TH1>(dynamic_cast<TH1*>(v.rec ->Clone()))),
57  tmp (std::unique_ptr<TH1>(dynamic_cast<TH1*>(v.tmp ->Clone()))),
58  gen (std::unique_ptr<TH1>(dynamic_cast<TH1*>(v.gen ->Clone()))),
59  missNoMatch(std::unique_ptr<TH1>(dynamic_cast<TH1*>(v.missNoMatch->Clone()))),
60  missOut (std::unique_ptr<TH1>(dynamic_cast<TH1*>(v.missOut ->Clone()))),
61  fakeNoMatch(std::unique_ptr<TH1>(dynamic_cast<TH1*>(v.fakeNoMatch->Clone()))),
62  fakeOut (std::unique_ptr<TH1>(dynamic_cast<TH1*>(v.fakeOut ->Clone()))),
63  cov (std::unique_ptr<TH2>(dynamic_cast<TH2*>(v.cov ->Clone()))),
64  RM (std::unique_ptr<TH2>(dynamic_cast<TH2*>(v.RM ->Clone())))
65  { }

◆ DistVariation() [3/3]

DistVariation ( DistVariation &&  v)

move constructor

69  :
71  rec(std::move(v.rec)), tmp(std::move(v.tmp)), gen(std::move(v.gen)),
72  missNoMatch(std::move(v.missNoMatch)), missOut(std::move(v.missOut)),
73  fakeNoMatch(std::move(v.fakeNoMatch)), fakeOut(std::move(v.fakeOut)),
74  cov(std::move(v.cov)), RM(std::move(v.RM))
75  { }

Member Function Documentation

◆ Write()

void Write ( TDirectory *  d)

Create a subdirectory to the directory given in argument where all histograms are written.

86 {
87  cout << "Writing " << name << endl;
88  d->cd();
89  TDirectory * dd = d->mkdir(name);
90  dd->cd();
91  auto write = [this,dd](auto&& h) {
92  if (!h) return;
93  TString n = h->GetName();
94  n.ReplaceAll(name,"");
95  h->SetDirectory(dd);
96  h->Write(n);
97  };
98  auto apply_to_all = [](auto&& f, auto&& ... x) { (f(x),...); };
99  apply_to_all(write,
101 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ cov

std::unique_ptr<TH2> cov

covariance matrix


include miss entries in RM

use TUnfoldBinning to decorrelate categories of miss/fake entries

◆ fakeNoMatch

std::unique_ptr<TH1> fakeNoMatch

background (unmatched entries)

◆ fakeOut

std::unique_ptr<TH1> fakeOut

background (migration out of phase space)

◆ gen

std::unique_ptr<TH1> gen

generated-level distribution

◆ genBinning

TUnfoldBinning * genBinning = nullptr

full binning at particle level

◆ isMC

bool isMC = false

flag from metainfo

◆ missNoMatch

std::unique_ptr<TH1> missNoMatch

losses (unmatched entries)

◆ missOut

std::unique_ptr<TH1> missOut

losses (migration out of phase space)

◆ rec

std::unique_ptr<TH1> rec

reconstructed-level distribution

◆ recBinning

TUnfoldBinning * recBinning = nullptr

full binning at detector level

◆ RM

std::unique_ptr<TH2> RM

response matrix

◆ tmp

std::unique_ptr<TH1> tmp

temporary histogram help fill the covariance matrix

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:
static bool isMC
flag from metainfo
Definition: DistVariation.h:27
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:98
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > rec
reconstructed-level distribution
Definition: DistVariation.h:32
static const char * def
Definition: Step.h:36
const TString name
variation name (including "Up" or "Down")
Definition: Variation.h:25
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:289
static TUnfoldBinning * recBinning
full binning at detector level
Definition: DistVariation.h:30
static const char * red
Definition: Step.h:34
static const auto feps
Definition: DistVariation.cc:17
const int bit
correlation bit
Definition: Variation.h:28
static const char * orange
Definition: colours.h:6
std::unique_ptr< TH2 > cov
covariance matrix
Definition: DistVariation.h:41
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > gen
generated-level distribution
Definition: DistVariation.h:34
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > tmp
temporary histogram help fill the covariance matrix
Definition: DistVariation.h:33
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > missNoMatch
losses (unmatched entries)
Definition: DistVariation.h:35
const TString group
e.g. event, recjet
Definition: Variation.h:24
std::unique_ptr< TH2 > RM
response matrix
Definition: DistVariation.h:42
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > missOut
losses (migration out of phase space)
Definition: DistVariation.h:36
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > fakeNoMatch
background (unmatched entries)
Definition: DistVariation.h:37
static TUnfoldBinning * genBinning
full binning at particle level
Definition: DistVariation.h:29
Definition: Variation.h:22
const std::size_t index
index in the vector where the variation factor is stored
Definition: Variation.h:27
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > fakeOut
Definition: DistVariation.h:38