Das Analysis System
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <filesystem>
#include "Core/Objects/interface/Jet.h"
#include "Core/Objects/interface/Event.h"
#include "Core/CommonTools/interface/ControlPlots.h"
#include "Core/CommonTools/interface/DASOptions.h"
#include "Core/CommonTools/interface/toolbox.h"
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TChain.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include "Core/Normalisation/interface/LumiUnc.h"
#include "applyDataNormalisation.h"
#include <darwin.h>
void | applyDataNormalisation (const vector< fs::path > &inputs, const fs::path &output, const pt::ptree &config, const int steering, const DT::Slice slice={1, 0}) |
int | main (int argc, char *argv[]) |
◆ main()
int main |
( |
int |
argc, |
char * |
argv[] |
) |
| |
- Todo:
- make optional with
169 "Normalise the data samples to the luminosity. Prescaled events may either "
170 "be normalised to the respective trigger luminosities or using trigger precales.\n"
171 "Existing strategies:\n"
172 " - 'pt': assume that the jets are sorted in pt and try to match the leading jet"
173 " - 'eta': sort the jets in eta and try to match the most fwd and second most fwd",
175 options.inputs(
"inputs", &
"input ROOT file(s) or directory")
176 .output(
"output", &output,
"output ROOT file")
177 .arg<fs::path>(
"luminosities" ,
"corrections.normalisation.luminosities" ,
"2-column file with luminosity per trigger" )
178 .arg<fs::path>(
"luminosity uncertaintiy (including correlations)")
179 .arg<fs::path>(
"turnons" ,
"corrections.normalisation.turnons" ,
"2-column file with turn-on per trigger" )
180 .arg<fs::path>(
"efficiencies" ,
"corrections.normalisation.efficiencies" ,
"output ROOT file of `getTriggerTurnons`" )
181 .arg<
"'eta' or 'pt'" )
182 .arg<string>(
"method" ,
"corrections.normalisation.method" ,
"'prescales' or 'lumi'");
185 const auto& slice =
186 const int steering =
190 catch (boost::exception& e) {
Definition: DYToLL_M-50_13TeV_pythia8_cff_GEN_SIM_RECOBEFMIX_DIGI_L1_DIGI2RAW_L1Reco_RECO.py:41
void applyDataNormalisation(const vector< fs::path > &inputs, const fs::path &output, const pt::ptree &config, const int steering, const DT::Slice slice={1, 0})
Definition: applyDataNormalisation.cc:44
void Diagnostic(const boost::exception &e)
Definition: exceptions.h:131
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:297
def inputs
Definition: jercExample.py:118
Darwin::Tools::Options Options(const char *, int=Darwin::Tools::none)
Constructs Darwin options with the correct commit information.
Definition: DASOptions.cc:14