DAS  3.0
Das Analysis System


Implements MN jets observables depending on the 2 Mueller-Navelet jets of the event. Definition of these observables:

  • $p_{T,ave} = \frac{p_{T,FWD}+p_{T,BWD}}{2}$
  • $p_{T,FWD}$ transverse momentum of the forward jet
  • $p_{T,BWD}$ transverse momentum of the backward jet
  • $p_{T,RatMN} = min \left( \frac{P_{T,FWD}}{P{T,BWD}} , \frac{P_{T,BWD}}{P{T,FWD}} \right)$
  • $\pi - \Dela \phi$ is the azimuthal distance between the two Mueller-Navelet Jets (mind that the function Obs2Jets::DPhi() returns in fact $\pi - \Dela \phi$)
  • $\cos\left( n \left( \pi - \Delta \phi \right) \right)$ with $n = 1,2,3,4,...$ (implemented in CosDPhi() which directly returns this observable)

#include <MuellerNavelet.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for Obs2Jets:

Public Member Functions

 Obs2Jets (const DAS::RecJet &Fwd, const DAS::RecJet &Bwd)
 Obs2Jets (const DAS::GenJet &Fwd, const DAS::GenJet &Bwd)
float PtAve () const
float PtFWD () const
float PtBWD () const
float PtRatMN () const
float DEta () const
float DPhi () const
float CosDPhi (int n) const
size_t size () const

Public Attributes

const float weightFWD
const float weightBWD
const float weight

Private Attributes

std::vector< DAS::FourVectorLeadingJets

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Obs2Jets() [1/2]

Obs2Jets ( const DAS::RecJet Fwd,
const DAS::RecJet Bwd 
14  :
15  weightFWD( Fwd.weights.front() ), weightBWD( Bwd.weights.front() ),
16  weight(Fwd.weights.front() * Bwd.weights.front()),
17  LeadingJets{Fwd.p4, Bwd.p4}
18 {
19  LeadingJets.front() *= Fwd.scales.front();
20  LeadingJets.back () *= Bwd.scales.front();
21 }

◆ Obs2Jets() [2/2]

Obs2Jets ( const DAS::GenJet Fwd,
const DAS::GenJet Bwd 
23  :
24  weightFWD( Fwd.weights.front() ), weightBWD( Bwd.weights.front() ),
25  weight(Fwd.weights.front() * Bwd.weights.front()),
26  LeadingJets{Fwd.p4, Bwd.p4}
27 { }

Member Function Documentation

◆ CosDPhi()

float CosDPhi ( int  n) const
72 {
73  return TMath::Cos(n*DPhi());
74 }

◆ DEta()

float DEta ( ) const
54 {
55  auto deta = std::abs(LeadingJets.front().Eta() - LeadingJets.back().Eta());
56  assert( deta > numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() );
57  return deta;
58 }

◆ DPhi()

float DPhi ( ) const
61 {
62  FourVector jet1 = LeadingJets.front();
63  FourVector jet2 = LeadingJets.back ();
64  using ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaPhi;
65  float dphi = DeltaPhi(jet1,jet2);
66  float sign = std::abs(dphi) / dphi;
67  dphi -= sign * M_PI;
68  return dphi;
69 }

◆ PtAve()

float PtAve ( ) const
39 {
40  return .5*( LeadingJets.front().Pt() + LeadingJets.back().Pt() );
41 }

◆ PtBWD()

float PtBWD ( ) const
49 {
50  return LeadingJets.front().Pt();
51 }

◆ PtFWD()

float PtFWD ( ) const
44 {
45  return LeadingJets.front().Pt();
46 }

◆ PtRatMN()

float PtRatMN ( ) const
30 {
31  float pt1 = LeadingJets.front().Pt();
32  float pt2 = LeadingJets.back ().Pt();
33  if (pt1 >= pt2) swap(pt1,pt2);
34  assert( pt2 > 0 );
35  return pt1/pt2;
36 }

◆ size()

size_t size ( ) const
76 { return 2; }

Member Data Documentation

◆ LeadingJets

std::vector<DAS::FourVector> LeadingJets

The most forward and the most backward jets. The size is always 2 and and the type is taken in consistency with ObsMiniJets.

◆ weight

const float weight

product of weightFWD and weightBWD

◆ weightBWD

const float weightBWD

weight of the most backward jet

◆ weightFWD

const float weightFWD

weight of the most forward jet

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:
FourVector p4
raw four-momentum directly after reconstruction
Definition: PhysicsObject.h:50
const float weight
product of weightFWD and weightBWD
Definition: MuellerNavelet.h:46
std::vector< float > scales
energy scale corrections and variations
Definition: PhysicsObject.h:51
const float weightBWD
weight of the most backward jet
Definition: MuellerNavelet.h:45
std::vector< DAS::FourVector > LeadingJets
Definition: MuellerNavelet.h:49
Weights weights
object weights
Definition: PhysicsObject.h:52
float DPhi() const
Definition: MuellerNavelet.cc:60
const float weightFWD
weight of the most forward jet
Definition: MuellerNavelet.h:44
ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< float > > FourVector
Definition: PhysicsObject.h:15