DAS  3.0
Das Analysis System
DAS::MN Namespace Reference


struct  Hist
struct  Obs2Jets
struct  ObsMiniJets


void getMNobservables (const vector< fs::path > inputs, const fs::path output, const pt::ptree &config, const int steering, const DT::Slice slice={1, 0})
template<typename Jet >
std::optional< std::pair< Jet, Jet > > GetMNJet (std::vector< Jet > jets, std::function< bool(Jet &)> ptcut=[](Jet &jet) {return jet.p4.Pt()< 35 ;})
template<typename Jet >
std::vector< Jet > GetMiniJets (std::vector< Jet > jets, const std::pair< Jet, Jet > &MNJets, std::function< bool(Jet &)> ptcut=[](Jet &jet) {return jet.p4.Pt()< 20;})


static const vector< double > binsY = {0., 0.25, .5, 0.75, 1., 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2., 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3., 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4., 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5., 5.25, 5.5, 5.75, 6., 6.25, 6.5, 6.75, 7., 7.25, 7.5, 7.75, 8., 8.25, 8.5, 8.75, 9., 9.25, 9.5}
static const vector< double > binsPhi = {0.,.1*M_PI, .2*M_PI, .3*M_PI, .4*M_PI, .5*M_PI, .6*M_PI, .7*M_PI, .8*M_PI, .9*M_PI, M_PI}
static const double minY = binsY.front()
static const double maxY = binsY.back()
static const double maxy = 4.7
static const double minpt = 32
static const double maxpt = 1.e10

Detailed Description

The namespace MN_Helper contains the classes that are needed by getMNobservables.cc to build the histograms. Two types of objects are present here: bs2Jets and ObsMiniJets that contains structures to store the observables themselves (they are higher level physics objects) and Hist that contains histograms.

Function Documentation

◆ GetMiniJets()

std::vector< Jet > GetMiniJets ( std::vector< Jet >  jets,
const std::pair< Jet, Jet > &  MNJets,
std::function< bool(Jet &)>  ptcut = [](Jet& jet) {return jet.p4.Pt()<20;} 

This function takes as an input a vector of jet, a pair of Mueller-Navelet jets in this event and a selection fuction. All the jet for which the selection function is false are dicarded. Remove all the jets that are at higher-or-equal rapidity than the first member of the pair (considered as the 'leading MN jet') or lower-or-equal rapidity than the second member of the pair (considered a the 'subleading MN jet'). The function is build assuming that the two Mueller-Navelet jets that are provided are also present in the vector of jets of the event. The two Mueller-Navelet jets are removed by the lower-or-equal / higher-or-equal logic of the sample.

there is no consistency check. So if the two MNJets that are given are not present in the vector of jets, it will not throw any error.
if the paire provided is trivial, it will not throw any error. The non-triviallity must be check before hand.
As this function is a template function, it is declared and defined in the common.h. Definitions of template functions are not compiled until they are instantiated with a specific type instance.
check the consistency of this condition
check the consistency of this condition
129 {
130  jets.erase(std::remove_if(jets.begin(), jets.end(), ptcut), jets.end());
131  jets.erase(std::remove_if(jets.begin(), jets.end(),
132  [MNJets](Jet& jet){return jet.p4.Eta() >= MNJets.first.p4.Eta();}), jets.end());
134  jets.erase(std::remove_if(jets.begin(), jets.end(),
135  [MNJets](Jet& jet){return jet.p4.Eta() <= MNJets.second.p4.Eta();}), jets.end());
137  std::sort( jets.begin(), jets.end() , [](Jet& j1, Jet& j2)
138  {return j1.p4.Eta() > j2.p4.Eta();} );
140  return jets;
141 }

◆ GetMNJet()

std::optional< std::pair< Jet, Jet > > GetMNJet ( std::vector< Jet >  jets,
std::function< bool(Jet &)>  ptcut = [](Jet& jet) {return jet.p4.Pt() < 35 ;} 

This function takes as an input a vector of jet and a function<bool(Jet&)>. It finds the two jets that are th most bakward and most forward in the event and satisfies the cut implemented in the function<bool(Jet&)> provided as argument. This function is apllied to all the jets. If it return false, the jets are discarded. The out is an optional. So that if there are no jets satifying the cuts in the event, it returns nullopt.

As this function is a template function, it is declared and defined in the common.h. Definitions of template functions are not compiled until they are instantiated with a specific type instance.
check the consistency of this condition
check the consistency of this condition
99 {
100  jets.erase(remove_if(jets.begin(), jets.end(), ptcut), jets.end());
101  if (jets.size() < 2) return std::nullopt;
102  auto result = minmax_element( jets.begin(), jets.end() , [](Jet& j1, Jet& j2)
103  {return j1.p4.Eta() > j2.p4.Eta();} );
105  if (result.first->p4.Eta() <= 0 || result.second->p4.Eta() >= 0) return std::nullopt;
106  return std::make_optional<std::pair<Jet,Jet>>(*result.first, *result.second);
107 }

◆ getMNobservables()

void DAS::MN::getMNobservables ( const vector< fs::path >  inputs,
const fs::path  output,
const pt::ptree &  config,
const int  steering,
const DT::Slice  slice = {1,0} 

Calculate the observables that can be used to caracterise Mueller-Navelet Jets.

inputsinput ROOT files (n-tuples)
outputname of output root file containing the histograms
configconfig file from `DTOptions`
steeringsteering parameters from `DTOptions`
sliceslices for running
183  {1,0}
184  )
185 {
186  cout << __func__ << ' ' << slice << " start" << endl;
188  DT::Flow flow(steering, inputs);
189  auto tIn = flow.GetInputTree(slice);
190  auto [fOut, tOut] = flow.GetOutput(output);
192  DT::MetaInfo metainfo(tOut);
193  metainfo.Check(config);
194  auto isMC = metainfo.Get<bool>("flags", "isMC");
196  auto gEv = flow.GetBranchReadOnly<GenEvent>("genEvent");
197  auto rEv = flow.GetBranchReadOnly<RecEvent>("recEvent");
199  auto recJets = flow.GetBranchReadOnly<vector<RecJet>>("recJets");
200  auto genJets = isMC ? flow.GetBranchReadOnly<vector<GenJet>>("genJets") : nullptr;
202  Hist genHist("gen"), // NOTE: one should only declare the object if (isMC)
203  recHist("rec");
205  for (DT::Looper looper(tIn); looper(); ++looper) {
206  [[ maybe_unused ]]
207  static auto& cout = (steering & DT::verbose) == DT::verbose ? ::cout : DT::dev_null;
209  auto MNJets = GetMNJet<RecJet>(*recJets, [](RecJet jet){return jet.CorrPt() < 35;});
210  if (MNJets) {
211  double recy = std::abs( MNJets->first.p4.Eta() - MNJets->second.p4.Eta() );
212  bool LowRecY = recy < minY,
213  HighRecY = recy >= maxY;
214  bool goodRec = (!LowRecY) && (!HighRecY)
215  && MNJets->first.p4.Eta() < maxy && MNJets->second.p4.Eta() < maxy
216  && minpt < MNJets->first.CorrPt() && MNJets->first.CorrPt() < maxpt
217  && minpt < MNJets->second.CorrPt() && MNJets->second.CorrPt() < maxpt;
219  if (goodRec) {
220  double evweight = rEv->weights.front();
221  if (isMC) evweight *= gEv->weights.front();
222  recHist.Fill(*recJets, evweight);
223  Obs2Jets obs2jets(MNJets->first, MNJets->second);
224  auto minijets = GetMiniJets(*recJets, *MNJets, function<bool(RecJet&)>([](RecJet& jet){return jet.CorrPt() < 20;}));
225  ObsMiniJets obsminijets(minijets);
226  recHist.Fill(obs2jets, obsminijets, evweight);
227  }
228  }
230  if (!isMC) continue;
232  auto genMNJets = GetMNJet<GenJet>(*genJets, [](GenJet jet){return jet.p4.Pt() < 35;});
233  if (genMNJets) {
234  double genY = std::abs( genMNJets->first.p4.Eta() - genMNJets->second.p4.Eta() );
235  bool LowGenY = genY < minY,
236  HighGenY = genY >= maxY,
237  goodGen = (!LowGenY) && (!HighGenY)
238  && genMNJets->first.p4.Eta() < maxy && genMNJets->second.p4.Eta() < maxy
239  && minpt < genMNJets->first.p4.Pt() && genMNJets->first.p4.Pt() < maxpt
240  && minpt < genMNJets->second.p4.Pt() && genMNJets->second.p4.Pt() < maxpt;
242  if (goodGen) {
243  double evweight = gEv->weights.front();
244  genHist.Fill(*genJets, evweight);
245  Obs2Jets obs2jets(genMNJets->first, genMNJets->second);
246  auto minijets = GetMiniJets(*genJets, *genMNJets, function<bool(GenJet&)>([](GenJet& jet){return jet.p4.Pt() < 20;}));
247  ObsMiniJets obsminijets(minijets);
248  genHist.Fill(obs2jets, obsminijets, evweight);
249  }
250  }
251  }
253  recHist.Write(fOut);
254  if (isMC)
255  genHist.Write(fOut);
257  metainfo.Set<bool>("git", "complete", true);
259  cout << __func__ << ' ' << slice << " end" << endl;
260 }

Variable Documentation

◆ binsPhi

const vector<double> binsPhi = {0.,.1*M_PI, .2*M_PI, .3*M_PI, .4*M_PI, .5*M_PI, .6*M_PI, .7*M_PI, .8*M_PI, .9*M_PI, M_PI}

◆ binsY

const vector<double> binsY = {0., 0.25, .5, 0.75, 1., 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2., 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3., 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4., 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5., 5.25, 5.5, 5.75, 6., 6.25, 6.5, 6.75, 7., 7.25, 7.5, 7.75, 8., 8.25, 8.5, 8.75, 9., 9.25, 9.5}

◆ maxpt

const double maxpt = 1.e10

◆ maxy

const double maxy = 4.7

◆ maxY

const double maxY = binsY.back()

◆ minpt

const double minpt = 32

◆ minY

const double minY = binsY.front()
User-friendly handling of input and output n-tuples.
Definition: Flow.h:78
static bool verbose
Definition: Step.h:40
Facility to loop over a n-tuple, including parallelisation and printing.
Definition: Looper.h:22
static const double maxy
Definition: getMNobservables.cc:41
static const double maxY
Definition: getMNobservables.cc:41
Generic meta-information for n-tuple (including speficities to Darwin).
Definition: MetaInfo.h:68
static const double minpt
Definition: getMNobservables.cc:42
string jets
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:41
static const double minY
Definition: getMNobservables.cc:41
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:297
static const double maxpt
Definition: getMNobservables.cc:42
string isMC
Definition: Ntupliser_cfg.py:59
def inputs
Definition: jercExample.py:118
static std::ostream dev_null(nullptr)
to redirect output stream to nowhere
std::vector< Jet > GetMiniJets(std::vector< Jet > jets, const std::pair< Jet, Jet > &MNJets, std::function< bool(Jet &)> ptcut=[](Jet &jet) {return jet.p4.Pt()< 20;})
Definition: MuellerNavelet.h:128