DAS  3.0
Das Analysis System
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBalanceBalance histogram for a given variation
 CCorrectionFunctor to apply the PU profile correction
 CCorrelator< FunctionalForm >A class to account for the correlations when fitting
 CEventInfo< Muon, Photon >
 CEventInfo< DAS::RecMuon, DAS::RecPhoton >
 CexceptionSTL class
 CFlowUser-friendly handling of input and output n-tuples
 CFunctionalFormAbstract class for fit function
 CGenericSFApplier< Object, Context >A generic base class to simplify applying scale factors
 CGenericSFApplier< DAS::RecMuon >
 CGenericSFApplier< DAS::RecPhoton >
 CGenericSFApplier< RecEvent, Trigger, vector< RecMuon > >
 CGenericSFApplier< SimpleObject >
 CGenericSFApplier< SimpleObject, unique_ptr< int > >
 CGenericSFApplier< SpecialObject >
 CGreta< Log, Exp >
 CGreta< log, exp >
 CGretaPolynomial< Log, Exp >Alternative to ROOT TF1 (which is terribly slow) to use polynomials
 CGretaPolynomial< log, exp >
 CGretaPolynomialReader< Log, Exp >
 Chash< boost::property_tree::ptree >Hash from property tree by converting to string
 Chash< Darwin::Tools::UserInfo >Hash from UserInfo by converting to property tree
 Chash< TTree * >Hash from TTree obtained by combination of different elements
 CHistogramFileFixtureFixture that creates a temporary ROOT file with "scale factor" histograms inside
 CMetaInfo::IKnowWhatIAmDoingIf you use this, you're supposed to know what you are doing
 CJMEmatching< RecContainer, GenContainer >
 CLooperFacility to loop over a n-tuple, including parallelisation and printing
 COptionsCommon class to interpret the command line, based on Boost Program Options
 CPolynom< n >Chebyshev Polynoms
 CPolynom2D< maxnPt, nPt, nY >2D Chebyshev Polynoms
 CPolynom2D< maxnPt, nPt, 0 >
 CPolynom< 0 >
 CPtVariationHolds the histograms and indices corresponding to one variation
 CTerm< n >Chebyshev Terms
 CTerm< 0 >
 CTerm< 1 >
 CThunberg< d, Log, Exp >
 CTriggerEffFunctor to return the efficiency of a given trigger for a given (leading) jet
 CTriggerLumiSimply structure to gather the trigger, turnon and 1/efflumi
 CUserInfoGeneric meta-information for n-tuple (can be used out of Darwin)