►CAbstractEvent | |
CGenEvent | |
CRecEvent | |
►CAbstractEvent | |
CGenEvent | Generic generator-level event |
►CRecEvent | Generic detector-level event |
CEventBoom | |
►CAbstractFit | |
CResolutionFit | |
CResponseFit | |
►CAbstractGenericObject | |
CDi< Obj1, Obj2 > | |
►CGenericObject | |
►CGenJet | Generic generator-level jet |
CRecJet | Generic detector-level jet |
►CGenMuon | Generic generator-level muon |
CRecMuon | Generic detector-level muon |
►CGenPhoton | Generic generator-level photon |
CRecPhoton | Generic detector-level photon |
CGenericObjectDummy | |
►CAbstractPhysicsObject | |
CDi< Obj1, Obj2 > | |
►CPhysicsObject | |
►CGenJet | Class GenJet |
CRecJet | |
►CGenMuon | Class GenMuon |
CRecMuon | Class RecMuon |
►CGenPhoton | Class GenPhoton |
CRecPhoton | Class RecPhoton |
CPhysicsObjectDummy | |
CDi< const DAS::GenJet, const DAS::GenJet > | |
CDi< const DAS::RecJet, const DAS::RecJet > | |
CDi< const DAS::RecMuon, const DAS::RecMuon > | |
CDi< const Muon, const Muon > | |
►CAnalysis | |
CRivetNtupliser | |
CBalance | Balance histogram for a given variation |
►CBase | |
CDistribution | |
CDLog | |
CIntegral | |
CBTagCalibration | |
CBTagCalibrationReader | |
CBTagCalibrationReader::BTagCalibrationReaderImpl | |
CBTagEntry | |
CConservative | |
CControlPlots | |
CRoccoR::CorParams | |
CCorrection | Functor to apply the PU profile correction |
CCorrelator< FunctionalForm > | A class to account for the correlations when fitting |
CCrystalBall | |
CDist | |
►CEDAnalyzer | |
CNtupliser | |
CEfficiency | |
CEventInfo< Muon, Photon > | |
CEventInfo< DAS::RecMuon, DAS::RecPhoton > | |
►Cexception | STL class |
►Clogic_error | STL class |
►Cinvalid_argument | STL class |
CBadInput | Generic exception for ill-defined input (before the event loop) |
►Cruntime_error | STL class |
CAnomalousEvent | Generic exception for problematic event (during event loop) |
►CFiller | |
CMjjYbYsFiller | |
CMjjYmaxFiller | |
CZPtYFiller | |
CPtYFiller | |
CDEtaDPhiFiller | |
CHTnFiller | |
CBFFiller | |
CFilters | |
CFlow | User-friendly handling of input and output n-tuples |
CFractionCut | |
►CFunctionalForm | Abstract class for fit function |
CPolynomial< T, Log, Exp > | |
CFunctor | |
CFunctor | |
CGenericSFApplier< Object, Context > | A generic base class to simplify applying scale factors |
►CGenericSFApplier< DAS::RecMuon > | |
CIDApplier | |
►CGenericSFApplier< DAS::RecPhoton > | |
CConversionVetoApplier | Applies the Conversion Safe Electron Veto and corrections |
CIDApplier | Applies the photon ID selection and corrections (scale factors) |
►CGenericSFApplier< RecEvent, Trigger, vector< RecMuon > > | |
CTriggerApplier | |
►CGenericSFApplier< SimpleObject > | |
CSimpleObjectApplier | |
►CGenericSFApplier< SimpleObject, unique_ptr< int > > | |
CContextApplier | |
►CGenericSFApplier< SpecialObject > | |
CSpecialObjectApplier | |
CGreta< Log, Exp > | |
CGreta< log, exp > | |
CGretaPolynomial< Log, Exp > | Alternative to ROOT TF1 (which is terribly slow) to use polynomials |
CGretaPolynomial< log, exp > | |
CGretaPolynomialReader< Log, Exp > | |
Chash< boost::property_tree::ptree > | Hash from property tree by converting to string |
Chash< Darwin::Tools::UserInfo > | Hash from UserInfo by converting to property tree |
Chash< TTree * > | Hash from TTree obtained by combination of different elements |
CHelper | |
CHist | |
CHistogramFileFixture | Fixture that creates a temporary ROOT file with "scale factor" histograms inside |
CMetaInfo::IKnowWhatIAmDoing | If you use this, you're supposed to know what you are doing |
CJetWeight | |
CJMEmatching< RecContainer, GenContainer > | |
CLooper | Facility to loop over a n-tuple, including parallelisation and printing |
CLumiUnc | |
CMatrix | |
CMET | |
CMyMetaInfo | |
CObs2Jets | |
►CObservable | |
CMjjYbYs | |
CMjjYmax | |
CZPtY | Following SMP-17-010 (https://doi.org/10.17182/hepdata.91215.v4) |
CPtY | |
CDEtaDPhi | |
CHTn | |
CRatios | |
►CBF | |
CBFprocessT< PROCESS > | |
CObsMiniJets | |
COptions | Common class to interpret the command line, based on Boost Program Options |
►Cpair | |
CDi< Obj1, Obj2 > | |
CDi< Obj1, Obj2 > | |
CDi< const DAS::GenJet, const DAS::GenJet > | |
CDi< const DAS::RecJet, const DAS::RecJet > | |
CDi< const DAS::RecMuon, const DAS::RecMuon > | |
CDi< const Muon, const Muon > | |
CParameters | |
CBTagEntry::Parameters | |
CPerformanceHist | |
CPileUp | |
CPlots | |
CPlots | |
CPolynom< n > | Chebyshev Polynoms |
CPolynom2D< maxnPt, nPt, nY > | 2D Chebyshev Polynoms |
CPolynom2D< maxnPt, nPt, 0 > | |
CPolynom< 0 > | |
CPrefixCommand | |
CPrimaryVertex | |
CPtVariation | Holds the histograms and indices corresponding to one variation |
CReport | |
CRocRes::ResParams | |
CResult | |
CRoccoR | |
CRoccoR::RocOne | |
CRocRes | |
CSimpleObject | |
CSpecialObject | |
CRecJet::Tagger | |
►CTChain | |
CChainSlice | Wrapper around TChain that restricts available entries to a subset |
CTeddy | |
CTerm< n > | Chebyshev Terms |
CTerm< 0 > | |
CTerm< 1 > | |
►CTFriendElement | |
CSlicedFriendElement | A TFriendElement that remembers the list of files and slicing of a ChainSlice |
CThunberg< d, Log, Exp > | |
CBTagCalibrationReader::BTagCalibrationReaderImpl::TmpEntry | |
►CTransformer | |
CHTnTransformer | |
CTestTransformer | |
CTrigger | |
CTriggerEff | Functor to return the efficiency of a given trigger for a given (leading) jet |
CTriggerLumi | Simply structure to gather the trigger, turnon and 1/efflumi |
CTriggerLumi | |
►CTUnfoldDensity | |
CMyTUnfoldDensity | |
►CUserInfo | Generic meta-information for n-tuple (can be used out of Darwin) |
CMetaInfo | Generic meta-information for n-tuple (including speficities to Darwin) |
►CVariation | |
CDistVariation | |
CVariation | |
CWeight | |
CWeight | |