Das Analysis System
▼NcompareFiles | |
CReport | |
▼NDarwin | Global namespace for libraries and executables for analysis with Darwin |
►NExceptions | Handling of exceptions |
►NPhysics | Everything what concerns physics analysis directly |
►NTools | Classes and functions related to the framework |
▼NDAS | |
►NBTagging | |
►NChebyshev | Namespace for Chebyshev Terms and Polynomials |
►NDoubleCrystalBall | |
►NJetEnergy | |
►NJetVeto | |
►NMissingET | |
►NMN | |
►NMuon | |
►NNormalisation | |
►NPhoton | |
►NPrefiring | |
►NPUprofile | |
►NPUstaub | |
►NUncertainties | |
►NUnfolding | |
CAbstractEvent | |
CAbstractPhysicsObject | |
CControlPlots | |
CDi | |
CGenericSFApplier | A generic base class to simplify applying scale factors |
CGenEvent | |
CGenJet | Class GenJet |
CGenMuon | Class GenMuon |
CGenPhoton | Class GenPhoton |
CGreta | |
CGretaPolynomial | Alternative to ROOT TF1 (which is terribly slow) to use polynomials |
CGretaPolynomialReader | |
CHelper | |
CJMEmatching | |
CMET | |
CParameters | |
CPhysicsObject | |
CPileUp | |
CPrimaryVertex | |
CRecEvent | |
►CRecJet | |
CRecMuon | Class RecMuon |
CRecPhoton | Class RecPhoton |
CTeddy | |
CThunberg | |
CTrigger | |
CTriggerLumi | Simply structure to gather the trigger, turnon and 1/efflumi |
CWeight | |
▼Nprefix | |
CPrefixCommand | |
▼NRivet | |
CRivetNtupliser | |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< boost::property_tree::ptree > | Hash from property tree by converting to string |
Chash< Darwin::Tools::UserInfo > | Hash from UserInfo by converting to property tree |
Chash< TTree * > | Hash from TTree obtained by combination of different elements |
▼NStep | Smoothness Test with Expansion of Polynmials |
CCorrelator | A class to account for the correlations when fitting |
CFunctionalForm | Abstract class for fit function |
CPolynomial | |
CResult | |
CBTagCalibration | |
▼CBTagCalibrationReader | |
►CBTagCalibrationReaderImpl | |
▼CBTagEntry | |
CParameters | |
CContextApplier | |
CCrystalBall | |
CEventBoom | |
CGenericObjectDummy | |
CHistogramFileFixture | Fixture that creates a temporary ROOT file with "scale factor" histograms inside |
CMyMetaInfo | |
CNtupliser | |
CPhysicsObjectDummy | |
▼CRoccoR | |
CCorParams | |
CRocOne | |
▼CRocRes | |
CResParams | |
CSimpleObject | |
CSimpleObjectApplier | |
CSpecialObject | |
CSpecialObjectApplier | |
CTestTransformer |