DAS  3.0
Das Analysis System
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NDarwinGlobal namespace for libraries and executables for analysis with Darwin
 NExceptionsHandling of exceptions
 NPhysicsEverything what concerns physics analysis directly
 NToolsClasses and functions related to the framework
 NChebyshevNamespace for Chebyshev Terms and Polynomials
 CGenericSFApplierA generic base class to simplify applying scale factors
 CGenJetClass GenJet
 CGenMuonClass GenMuon
 CGenPhotonClass GenPhoton
 CGretaPolynomialAlternative to ROOT TF1 (which is terribly slow) to use polynomials
 CRecMuonClass RecMuon
 CRecPhotonClass RecPhoton
 CTriggerLumiSimply structure to gather the trigger, turnon and 1/efflumi
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< boost::property_tree::ptree >Hash from property tree by converting to string
 Chash< Darwin::Tools::UserInfo >Hash from UserInfo by converting to property tree
 Chash< TTree * >Hash from TTree obtained by combination of different elements
 NStepSmoothness Test with Expansion of Polynmials
 CCorrelatorA class to account for the correlations when fitting
 CFunctionalFormAbstract class for fit function
 CHistogramFileFixtureFixture that creates a temporary ROOT file with "scale factor" histograms inside